In case you didn't know, knit fabric is the Gary Busey of the sewing world. It is unpredictable, unforgiving, and forces its philosophies on you when you try to interview it. I kid, I kid (check out the link, it will be much funnier, but watch out for the curses and whatnot). So after perusing my mom's knit fabric book for a languous twenty seconds, I decided I taught myself enough through osmosis and went to cutting up the fabric. I didn't have a pattern, because I didn't want to buy one, and I wanted to make the shirt NOW. Not after a trip to Wal-mart.

So I got my favorite t-shirt and estimated what pieces went together to make it and traced around those. I found the fabric to be quite easy to work with, as long as I was constantly shifting and patting and loosening, so that it averaged out somewhere between being pulled too tight or held too loose. Then I sewed together the pieces the way my old t-shirt was sewn together. I did change the sleeves so that the trim matched the collar though. It just looked nicer and... covered up a mistake I made in cutting them out. Tee hee. Then it was done, and voila! A shirt that doesn't look too terrible. It's a miracle! Now to find the human sacrifice I promised...

Wow! That shirt's actually really cool! Found the fabric in a bargain bin huh? Makes me wish I was good at doing...things and...such...